The laundry basket analogy

Published on 25 March 2022 at 08:50

The washing basket in my house matches my mind, overflowing and disorganised, different items competing against each other to be washed and dried and lovingly folded and put away in their proper place. I felt so accomplished today having brought in the line dried washing (gorgeous weather here today) and put it all away, only to find that the dirty washing had multiplied and was once again overflowing! 




My mind is just like that laundry basket. Stuffed full of information, upcoming appointments, worries and fears about my son's education and his future, processing information from various webinars and courses I have attended about understanding how to be the best parent I can to him, remembering to chase up various professionals regarding assessments etc.

Has he had some fresh air today? Has he eaten enough healthy food? Can I convince him to brush his teeth and manage other self-care tasks? Has he had any meaningful interactions with other people today? Has he learnt anything? Is he happy? What the hell are we going to have for dinner?!!!

In amongst this rambling there is, I think, a point to be made. Every day I get up and tackle the laundry basket. It is one of the few consistencies in my life that in a strange way sort of grounds me. Similarly, every day I tackle the laundry basket in my mind. One day at a time, one task at a time. And always remembering the reason that I get up every day and get on with things, even when it's hard. My son. Who deserves the very best that I can give him and who needs me to advocate for him to ensure he gets what he needs from others around him.

One day at a time. 💪


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