I am trying my best to see the learning in everything my son does. Even things that I don’t necessarily see as having any educational value. Today he says to me:
“Mum, I think I know why they changed the name of the new Fortnite season that’s just come out.”
Me: Why’s that then?
“Well it was meant to be called ‘Reality War’ but it was changed to ‘Resistance’ and I think it’s because of the war in Ukraine.”
Me: I think you might be right.
There followed an interesting conversation about the conflict in Ukraine and how we both felt about it. We discussed why Epic Games might have changed the name and what the public reaction might have been if they hadn’t. We decided that they made a good choice!
Look for the learning in everything! ๐บ๐ฆ ๐ฅ ๐น
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